Letters of Hope Bible Study

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I’m sure you may have said something like this – I hope it rains. I hope Mary gets better. I hope so. I really hope that (your favorite sports team) wins. I hope the car doesn’t run out of gas before we get home. I’ve said all these at one time or another, perhaps you have too.

All the above “I hope” statements are common but place hope in the realm of optimistic wishful thinking. There’s no reason, foundation, or promise anchoring these hopes, just a desire that things go the way we want.  This kind of wishful thinking hope is like a candle flickering in the wind.

Recently, I did a study on the Bible’s use of the word hope and found that hope is much more like the beacon of a lighthouse than that of a flickering candle.

Letters of Hope is a free Seven lesson Bible study on hope. In the seven letters, we discover how the Bible views hope and how it really is an anchor for our souls. I’d like you to discover this same hope.

There are two ways to get this Bible Study. The first is through a mailing list which automatically sends each lesson out a few days apart. The second is by downloading the PDF version of the entire study. Both are offered free of charge and may be used for personal study and in a small group or church settings. See our copyright notice for more information.

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