A recent study, as reported in The Daily Wire(link is below), shows that a continuous marriage without divorce reduces the risk of dementia later in life. Interesting. There have also been several studies linking general happiness and health to staying married. And, no surprise, Jesus discussed the topic of marriage and divorce in the Sermon on the Mount.
“You have heard the law that says, ‘A man can divorce his wife by merely giving her a written notice of divorce.’ But I say that a man who divorces his wife, unless she has been unfaithful, causes her to commit adultery. And anyone who marries a divorced woman also commits adultery.” (Matthew 5:31–32, NLT)
This passage is part of the “you’ve heard, but I say” challenges to the Law in Jesus’ sermon. It is also an extension of the previous verses which redefined adultery. https://lambchow.com/2023/02/the-jesus-way-lust-sex-and-adultery/
Now, let’s be clear. We’re not judging anyone’s past. God’s perfect will for marriage is that a couple marries and stays faithful to their vows. There is a great blessing in that. It’s also why marriage should not be entered into lightly or flippantly.
Why does God care? The lifelong commitment between husband and wife reflects God’s commitment to His people and Christ’s commitment to the church. But more than just an example of a greater truth, it is also, when nurtured and grown, the best way forward on so many levels.
There are health benefits. If the couple marries as virgins and stays true, there is zero risk of sexually spread diseases. Their children generally perform better at school and tend to grow up more balanced and mature. Their finances are more stable if using wise money management. And they support each other through the storms of life.
But what about divorce? It is damaging to the finances because of dividing the estate and alimony payments. It increases the possibility of disease if they remarry. The children, while resilient, do suffer harm when compared with other children. And, next to the loss of a spouse through death, divorce is ranked 2nd in the amount of felt stress and grief it causes.
Is this to say that no one should ever divorce? No, there are instances where spouses are unrepentantly abusive or have broken the marriage vow. Granted, Jesus didn’t say the abusive part. But I contend that unrepentant abuse is a form of adultery, a violation of the marriage vows, and violates other passages of the Bible. But for Christians, divorce shouldn’t be easy or finalized without serious attempts at reconciliation.
The Jesus Way is to honor marriage, encourage it, and nurture those lifelong relationships. But neither are we to treat those unmarried or divorced, or remarried as 2nd class citizens of God’s kingdom. God interacts with each person’s circumstances individually. We strive for the perfect but also recognize the fallenness of mankind and the world. It is not for us to sit in judgment over another but to encourage all toward Christ in the here and now.
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