Getting a Picture – Lambchow Survey
This Lambchow is different. Instead of sharing an article, what I have I’d like to learn more about you. One of the mildly frustrating parts of this ministry is that…
This Lambchow is different. Instead of sharing an article, what I have I’d like to learn more about you. One of the mildly frustrating parts of this ministry is that…
For the past several years, as we cross into a new year, I’ve written an article along the lines of looking back/looking forward. This is that article. But given the…
Our view of Christmas and the events at Bethlehem are often more like a snapshot instead of the slow unfolding of what really happened. We cram and compress events that…
Merry Christmas 2021! Interview With a Shepherd was originally published in 2013 as an eight-part serial. It follows a fictional reporter as he discovers the events of Christ’s birth. Below…
For the past few weeks, we’ve explored moments of silence. Those pauses or beats in the Christmas story shape the events, in the same way, brief moments of silence shape…
For many folks, Christmas season is not a joyous time. The stress of buying the “right” gift causes frustration. The bickering and arguing over the scheduling nightmare of getting everyone…
There are many mysteries around Christ’s birth. One such mystery is the Wise Men and the star they followed. Our next moment of silence involves them. For our Christmas series…
Christmas gifts aren’t all their cracked up to be. We’ve all given or received gifts out of routine or tradition. Like the can of nuts that was hastily wrapped for…
Pearl lives on the south edge of town in a sprawling two-room bungalow. Well, it seems sprawling to me because it’s more than what I have which is whatever open…
Births are messy with fluids and emotions and noise and drama. Some may be easier than others, some less painful and traumatic. But in even the most intentionally sedated environment,…
Magic and mystery are intertwined with Christmas. Even on the secular side of things, there are reindeer that fly, a magical being that gives gifts to all, and a snowman…
“Hello,” Matthew called out as he opened the door to his great-grandparents home. “Matty, Is that you?” Grandpa Lou called out. “What are you doing in town?” Matthew wandered through…