A few weeks ago we presented a survey for Lambchow readers. Most of the results were close to our expectations although there were a few surprises and some things to cheer about. In all, there were 39 responses, so I feel the results are reasonably representative.
About what we expected…
Most of Lambchow’s readers fall firmly into the boomer categories of 46-79. But there are some younger readers as well which is good to see. Over 80% are regular churchgoers with a wide range of prayer and Bible reading habits. Most folks, 77%, read Lambchow through the email sends but a growing number connect via Facebook.
Encouraging Bits…
Geographically speaking, 46% are from the United States, 38% from Africa, 8% from places like Canda, UK, New Zealand and Australia. When asked to rate on a scale how Lambchow has encouraged their walk with Jesus there was only one answer below 5, with close to 75% responding with a 7 or higher. Perhaps the most satisfying bit of encouragement is that 43% are folks Betty and I would not recognize if we met them on the street. That’s an important measure because it indicates how Lambchow has gone beyond the sphere of our family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances.
Surprising bits…
The biggest surprise is that while women lead the number of readers, it’s not by as much as I thought. 56.4% women, 43.6% men. I guess I don’t hear from the guys as often as I hear from the ladies. There were two questions that are hard to reconcile. On the one hand, most folks prefer the shorter articles that encourage, on the other hand, most indicated that they would like more Bible Studies. That’s perhaps something for readers to keep in mind. Lambchow has at least two audience pools, some that are looking for short encouraging articles and others that are looking for the deeper studies. We’ll continue to do both and throw a short story in the mix every now and again to change things up.
Here are a few of comments we received in the survey
Lamchow articles has helped and encourage me to move on with life,when all I wanted to do was give up on myself. Thank you for what God is using you to do in the lives of many that have come across your teachings.
As a new believer I want to know more about Christ for myself. Listening to my pastor at church is usually never enough. I read a lot. Anything that talks about Jesus Christ, that’s how I stumbled into your website. It has been really been resourceful. I am grateful. God bless.
Once i asked for prayer. I was challenged Dale prayed for me immediately. My marriage is on its way up since then. Whenever my inbox doesn’t have lambchow i keep checking, I could say am hooked. I have made several printouts of many articles over the last two years and kept them in hard copy. I use the materials to teach or when i get a speaking appointment at Christian meetings.
We really do appreciate all those that take the time to read Lambchow and those that spent time on the survey. It really does help to get a picture of Lambchow’s audience. Thanks also to those that have shared our articles, lessons, and short stories with others. It is encouraging to know that Lambchow’s effectiveness is greater than just the parts we can see.
- Promises: Reputation - February 19, 2025
- Promises: Friends - February 17, 2025
- Promises: In Sickness - February 12, 2025
Woopie! Praise the Lord. Look how God is using you . Congratulations. Doing the Jesus happy dance.
Thanks for the update, Dale! It’s very encouraging!
Thanks for sharing the survey results, Dale, and thank you for your ministry. I have been blessed by reading your blog.
Love in Him,
Frank Griffis