What is Standard Operating Procedure Number One when a piece of tech is malfunctioning? Reboot it or remove …
The world encourages us to “go your own way” and for “you do you.” While it may seem …
The first line of a NASCAR race opening ceremony is, “Would you please rise and remove your hats.” …
The Christian controversy of freedom versus restraint is nothing new. The early church struggled to find the right …
We’ve been spending time recently going through my parent’s house. Those new to Lambchow may not know that …
There’s a Midwestern idiom about people’s chickens coming home to roost. Basically, it means those moments when people …
Life is full of changes. Seasons change (at least where we live). Fashion changes. Technology is constantly changing. …
There is a strange twist in Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. In both letters, Paul defends his way …
There is a parable of Jesus that I (and many others) find difficult to understand. Most of Jesus’ …
How we handle matters of conscience is our next Corinthian Controversy. Believers have struggled with this problem since …
We have all been there. We have all experienced times when our minds wouldn’t shut up. Those seasons …
Our next Corinthian Controversy begins with a bit of a mystery. The Corinthian church had sent some questions …