There are six lessons in this Bible Study. Each has a short article followed by several questions designed to highlight the Biblical truths about Love, explore our understanding, and apply the lesson. You can download the Bible Study in PDF format from the link below.
Here’s a sample from the study.
Love. That one word is used in many different ways and describes a broad range of emotions. It is the stated motivation behind many actions, both good and bad. Love can selflessly bless or be misused to selfishly control and manipulate another. Love is often used as the excuse or justification for our actions. Love is celebrated, yet it can seem fleeting and difficult to hold on to. Some say that love can be fallen into and back out of while others demonstrate love’s life long commitment. Love can be said without feeling and felt without expression. But, love is best when it is both felt and expressed.
Read John 3:16-17. In this familiar verse, we see love felt and love expressed. We are told that God loved the world. The world being all of humanity through all time. God recognized our helpless and rebellious condition and loved us anyway. Matthew wrote of Jesus, “Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36) God, however, did not just feel love, did not only feel compassion, but He expressed love through Jesus Christ. Let’s consider God’s expression of love through four events…
Topics Covered
- God freely loves us and sent Jesus Christ to provide the way to receive His love.
- To understand agape love through the life of Jesus and our relationship with Him.
- God’s love is demonstrably good and present.
- We demonstrate our love to God through expressions of worship and obedience to His commandments.
- The true mark of a disciple of Jesus is how he or she loves others.
- Love must be unconditionally received as well as given.
thank you for this bible study, i learnd smethng
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I like this
So enrichment
Wow great study
l like this study