Corinthian Controversies – A Common Foundation
Every building has a foundation. My home has a humble concrete footing for a foundation. That footing works well for a single-story home but would fail as the foundation for…
Every building has a foundation. My home has a humble concrete footing for a foundation. That footing works well for a single-story home but would fail as the foundation for…
There are only a handful of things that are common to every person. We all eat and drink in some way. But we also differ on what, how, when, and…
Nothing has perhaps divided believers more than baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Two sacraments meant to underscore the unity of the body divides us from one another. The church has…
There are times when the Bible says we should forget the former things (Isaiah 43:18) and times when the Bible says we should recall our beginnings. One such verse is…
Some people love math, some tolerate it, and some simply hate it. I’m somewhere in the tolerate it camp. My son-in-law Joel is definitely in the Love Math camp. I…
Let’s get straight to it. Lambchow is beginning a new series based on 1st Corinthians. Corinth was a powerful commercial city with strategic importance about 40 miles from Athens. It…
Hope is a tricky thing. Sometimes hope is what keeps us going like a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel. But hope can also blind us…
Everything dies. Entropy, the movement from order to disorder, is the nature of the universe. That’s a rather dark way of starting an article about agape love. But in 1…
During my youth, we raised sheep for 4-H and FFA projects. One night, very earlier in my sheep raising career, we received a phone call from a neighbor. He had…
My grandkids had a very common toy. It was a set of cubes that were hollow and had an open side with each cube being a bit smaller than the…
We are all different. I know that is a shock to some of you. Each one is us is a unique, never to be repeated, complex stew of many factors.…
We live in a world where truth is often a squishy matter of opinion more than a structure built on a solid foundation. Most of this is simply semantics. Truth…