They Shall Be Comforted – Part 1
When we began this series I had no idea that when it came time to write the article on the second beatitude – blessed are those who mourn for they…
When we began this series I had no idea that when it came time to write the article on the second beatitude – blessed are those who mourn for they…
One day Jesus walked up on a hillside and sat down. After His disciples gathered around Him He began to teach. That teaching, in Matthew 5:1- 7:29, is called the…
Of the three defenses examined in this series, this last one is perhaps the easiest to excuse. While “I didn’t mean it” says I know what I did wrong but…
There is a place for humor. Comedy, humor, and jokes not only evokes laughter but can also drive an idea past our natural defenses and into our hearts. A few…
The first defense often deployed when we realize we’ve made a mistake, done something wrong, or committed a sin is “I didn’t mean to…” Common law recognizes that there is…
Marie was minding her own business when she noticed the red and blue lights in her rearview mirror. Instinctively she lifted her foot from the gas pedal and glanced at…
The runners are at the line. They have carefully positioned their hands and feet and waited for the starter’s call. At “set” they have risen from preparedness to readiness; their…
Once again the runners are at the line. At the call of “on your marks,” they have set their feet, placed their hands, and taken a moment of calm before…
The scene I’d like you to keep in mind this morning is that of a race. Specifically, that moment when the starter calls out “On Your Mark.” Unlike “Get Set”,…
This is the final article based on Isaiah 11:1-2 where he identifies attributes of the Spirit of the Lord. The last couplet or pairing is the spirit of knowledge and…
So far we have looked at the Spirit of the Lord and the spirit of wisdom and understanding in our exploration of Isaiah 11:1-2. The second phrase used to describe…
One day some Pharisees and some supporters of Herod attempted to trap Jesus. Traps have three components, the deception of safety, the bait, and the hook. In this case, the…