Love Doesn’t Demand its Own Way
From the earliest days of childhood, we’ve expressed our demands. Whether through wordless cries or foot-stomping tantrums. We want what we want right now. Which makes our next “Love is”…
From the earliest days of childhood, we’ve expressed our demands. Whether through wordless cries or foot-stomping tantrums. We want what we want right now. Which makes our next “Love is”…
Love is a force, no doubt about that. It has a powerful capacity to impact lives in deep and meaningful and unexpected ways. But love isn’t the only power leveraged…
Love is not Jealous. It was Shakespeare who turned jealousy into a “Green-eyed monster,” although he may have borrowed an idea from the ancient Greeks. Whatever its color, jealousy is…
Love is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). I got it. Easy. Can do! Or is it… We typically see kindness as our considerate moments. Those times when we hold the door…
Love is patient. Talk about going for the gut on the first punch. Paul doesn’t start his “Love is” list with something easy like kindness or gentleness but with patience.…
If you’ve attended a Christian wedding, there’s a good chance that you have heard all or parts of 1st Corinthians 13. These few and powerful verses on love are sandwiched…
I have these rules for life. This rule is a “two-fer” rule. Meaning it’s really two rules packed into one. Which is kind of appropriate somehow since it lands on…
One of my grandfathers was an auto mechanic. For a while, he ran his own garage in Goodfield. Then, he went to work at a larger business in Eureka and…
There is an inherent tension in the church between unity and uniqueness. This tension reveals the church’s greatest strengths and its greatest challenges. We’ll explore both in turn before examining…
Growth in the early church was not an accident. All the members were intentionally and persistently perusing these things. This was not like a five-minute daily devotion but a consuming…
As we dive deeper into the church, it is incumbent to recognize and, at least for a moment, set aside the traditions we and others hold dear. Not to throw…
The word “church” may be understood in many different ways. For some, it is the building, whether the grand masonry of a cathedral, the wooden clapboard of a country church,…