316: Shall Not Perish
Our world is prone to death, corruption, and destruction. Mountains erode, apples spoil, buildings eventually fall. Science calls this entropy – the eventual movement from order to disorder, from complex…
Our world is prone to death, corruption, and destruction. Mountains erode, apples spoil, buildings eventually fall. Science calls this entropy – the eventual movement from order to disorder, from complex…
Whether we recognize it or not, our world runs on trust. A friend trusts our word when we say that something is worth doing. The bank trusts our promise to…
Filters are a necessary part of our world. Cars and trucks typically have three; air, oil, and fuel. There’s an air filter on the furnace/air conditioner. There are screens on…
The gifts we give one another are an interesting indicator of how we value each other. What did the gift we give cost us, not just in dollars, but also…
We often remove John 3:16 out of its context and neglect how challenging this must have sounded to Nicodemus. Throughout the nighttime conversation with the curious Pharisee, Jesus consistently challenges…
One verse of the Bible consistently polls as the most loved or most referenced – John 3:16. I remember memorizing it as a little tot in Sunday School. I still…
So far, in recounting of the raising of Lazarus, Jesus seems rather stoic. He heard the news of Lazarus’ illness with an assumed shrug. Neither was there much emotion displayed…
Continuing John 11 and the raising of Lazarus. In our previous entry, Jesus had heard about Lazarus’ illness but delayed going. The disciples assumed it was from fear of the…
Imagine getting a phone call telling you a close friend is in the Intensive Care Unit. No doubt, our fears, and worries would be overwhelming. We would drop everything and…
This all begins with Alexander the Great. Following his death, Alexander’s vast kingdom was divided into fourths. At first, Jerusalem and Israel fell under the rule of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.…
One of the most enduring images of Jesus is as the Good Shepherd. That image is a comforting picture of care pulled from the triad of John 10:1-21, Luke 15:4-7…
While there are many accounts of miraculous healings in the Gospels, there are only a few which give us a look at what came next. The healing of the man…