Exploring Galatians – The Curse of the Law
A Vin diagram is used to graphically depict how two or more concepts overlap. For instance, say we’re comparing an apple with a tomato. One circle would describe the apple…
A Vin diagram is used to graphically depict how two or more concepts overlap. For instance, say we’re comparing an apple with a tomato. One circle would describe the apple…
After Paul’s attention-getting charge of “you foolish Galatians,” he begins to teach them about faith. Paul writes, “Even so Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.…
You foolish, idiotic, imbecilic, stupid, air-headed Galatians. Not exactly the way to make folks feel good about themselves. But with those “shake someone by the collar” kinds of words, Paul…
If Paul’s letter to the Romans is his theological masterpiece, then Galatians 2:14-21 is his elevator speech. To recap, Paul is writing to the Galatian church because they, although being…
Paul uses an incident with Peter to vividly explain the Gospel of Grace. At some time following the Jerusalem Council, Peter visited the church at Antioch. In the early days…
After fourteen years of missionary work, Paul was compelled to seek confirmation of his labors. Acts 15 records the Jerusalem Council and begins with, “Some men came down from Judea…
We all have a history, a path that we traveled, often unknowingly, to arrive at today. At some point, that path connected you with Lambchow. Early in his letter to…
Paul didn’t waste any time with pleasantries in his letter to the Galatians. His short opening is immediately followed with… “I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him…
“Paul, an apostle (not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead),” (Galatians 1:1, NASB95)…
We often confuse motive with attitude. Someone says a harsh word of warning and we assume a motive of hate, when instead it was out of love and intended to…
One of the attributes of being human is the knowledge that we will die. We may not like to think about it, but the ability to ponder the end of…
Our world is prone to death, corruption, and destruction. Mountains erode, apples spoil, buildings eventually fall. Science calls this entropy – the eventual movement from order to disorder, from complex…