Our Part: Knowledge
My grandkids had a very common toy. It was a set of cubes that were hollow and had an open side with each cube being a bit smaller than the…
My grandkids had a very common toy. It was a set of cubes that were hollow and had an open side with each cube being a bit smaller than the…
Nope, I didn’t skip one. If you haven’t been following along we’ve been looking at Peter’s progression in his 2nd letter. “Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence,…
When trying to define pornography and obscenity Justice Potter Stewart famously said: “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within…
There was once an older gentleman that decided to take a young girl fishing on a lake filled with stumps. During their outing, the girl’s hook repeatedly snagged the submerged…
After watching my grandkids go through the drama of potty training I’m glad that I don’t recall my own journey in that area of life. The amount of tears and…
My grandkids have a very common toy. It is a set of cubes that are hollow and have an open side with each cube being a bit smaller than the…
Warning: The Department of Writing Excellence has determined that this article contains puns so bad that the reactionary groaning by the reader could cause a loss of concentration leading to…
What are you going to be when you grow up? It is a common question and in the right circumstances a perfectly good question. However, when considering our walk with…