What the Father Blesses – John 13:12-20
After Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, He again took His place at the table and asked a question. Now, I love questions. As a teacher myself, both in the church…
After Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, He again took His place at the table and asked a question. Now, I love questions. As a teacher myself, both in the church…
Psalm 86 is a prayer of David. It’s a beautiful and heartfelt prayer of praise and of need. Around the midpoint, David gets introspective and prays, “Teach me Your way,…
Today’s encouragement is meant for all but is especially directed at those who feel a call to minister, evangelize, teach, pastor, or lead. Lambchow receives prayer requests and emails from…
Love. That one word is used in many different ways and describes a broad range of emotions. It is the stated motivation behind many actions, both good and bad. Love…
We all have our preferences and things we consider good. Did you have a good day? Was your steak (or salad or breakfast) good? The waitress wanders by and asks…
It’s difficult to express emotions through writing. That’s one reason why the symbolic icons of emojis are so popular. I wonder how our understanding of the Bible would change if…
If you’ve spent any time around young children you’ve seen “the moment.” Something happens, a young child perhaps just beginning to walk or maybe a few years older and able…
Ever “get” something. I mean the kind of “get” when we suddenly understand a concept or have a clearer insight into a problem—that “aha” moment often pictured as a lightbulb…
“I’ve come to slay your monster,” announces Beowulf to the harassed kingdom of Hrothgar in the old epic poem. Well, hopefully, I’ve also come to slay your monster. As I…
There are a variety of responses when our balloon of expectations is popped by the pin of reality. Some express anger, others become confused, some just go numb, and a…
One thing that I have learned over my years is how to give. Now, that may seem like something I should have learned in Kindergarten, along with sharing and kindness.…
Shortly after Jesus entered Jerusalem to the shouts of hosanna and the waving of palm branches, some Greeks asked to see Jesus. Beginning in John 12:20 is a conversation Jesus…