Cookie Dough Faith
Here’s a leap for you. Thinking about cookie dough reminds me of faith in Jesus. Strange, right?
Here’s a leap for you. Thinking about cookie dough reminds me of faith in Jesus. Strange, right?
From The Basics The word “church” may be understood in many different ways. For some, it is the building, whether the grand masonry of a cathedral, the wooden clapboard of…
On my property are several kinds of trees. Most of them produce some kind of seed or fruit, the oak trees produce acorns, the black walnuts produce walnuts, the maples…
I have these rules, which are guidelines and reminders for navigating life. ( rule is not my own thought but one borrowed (stolen) from motorcycling. Specifically from riding the hairpin…
From The Basics The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. What I mean by that is He doesn’t just show up and force us to do something. He moves in our…
Sometimes there are moments in life when two unassociated events coincidentally collide. Call them serendipity or call the God-incidences, either of which recognizes a spark of unique timing. The first…
Let’s talk about prayer for a moment. How does God really want us to pray? What expectations are we to gain from practicing prayer? Before we go too far, let’s…
Let’s make no mistake, the salvation we receive is complete at that moment of acceptance. There is nothing more we need to do. It is finished. As Paul reminds us,…
There’s no such thing as a free lunch. We may not pay for it, but someone does. The same is true for everything politicians offer to get votes. Free education,…
In practically all other religions of the world acts, duties, and sacrifices are offered to garner favor with a higher power. This appeasement brings us to another church word related…
People approach Jesus in many different ways. Some see Him as a good teacher, an influential figure, or an ancient myth. Other’s approach him as the babe in the manger.…
Much ink and angst have been spilled concerning Christ’s second coming. The when, how, who, and where have been pondered, discussed, and argued over for two thousand years. To be…