The Testing of Jesus
Between Jesus’ Palm Sunday entrance into Jerusalem and His late-night arrest, He publicly taught in the Temple courtyard. During this time various leaders came to test Jesus. These tests were…
Between Jesus’ Palm Sunday entrance into Jerusalem and His late-night arrest, He publicly taught in the Temple courtyard. During this time various leaders came to test Jesus. These tests were…
Jesus’ first act after entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday was to clear the temple. Whether this occurred on the same day as hinted at by Matthew, Luke, or the next…
Have you ever noticed that what we expect and what Jesus offers is often at odds? Part of the human condition is the desire to have things our way. That…
The Things We Forget Sermon for 3/22/15 The other day Betty asked if I would drop a book off at the library on my way to work. My response…
Gather a few toddlers into a room filled with toys and eventually, there will be tears. Even though there are plenty of toys to go around one of them will…
Perhaps I have testing on the mind. For the past few weeks, my job has focused on getting ready and supporting the new computer-based standardized test students are taking this…
One day Jesus’ disciples were practicing what Jesus had been teaching them. The incident involved a young boy who was demonically self-destructive and a worried father. The disciples said the…
There are times in our lives when we walk in Shadowlands. Times when we feel vulnerable and alone. Times when justice, fairness, and rightness, seem corrupt. Days when we feel…
Imagine this. Your country has been overrun and conquered by a foreign power. Those not killed during the siege are chained together and marched far from home as slaves. You…
I’m sure that, like Betty and I, you have keepsakes around your home. Trinkets and memorabilia that mean something special to you. Like my small collection of rocks gathered during family…
Ever have one of those unexpected moments when one word, one thought, turns everything you believed in upside down? Like the day that you learned that Mom and Dad helped…
No one will ever accuse me of being organized. Even as a teen the sign on my bedroom door was “Enter At Your Own Risk”. Not because I was a…