Taste and See
One day a friend decides to celebrate the recent promotion of another in her circle. She works for weeks in preparation. Choosing the right invitations, spending hours personalizing each…
One day a friend decides to celebrate the recent promotion of another in her circle. She works for weeks in preparation. Choosing the right invitations, spending hours personalizing each…
What if out of the blue you received a misdirected email that read: Dear Ann, Thanks for having us over the other night. Your Chicken Marsala was fantastic. I do…
Have you ever watched a movie and intentionally paid attention to the background music while the story is unfolding? Movie makers have learned that music unlocks emotions. They’ll use ominous…
When you picture Jesus what do you see? Does your heart go to the baby in the stable, of shepherds, wise men, and angelic proclamations? Do you envision Jesus teaching…
Happy New Year and welcome to 2016. The turning of the calendar from one year to the next is always a good time to look back at what was and…
A natural diamond is a rather unassuming stone when comes from the ground. It doesn’t sparkle or glitter. There is little that draws the eye to it. But place that…
This facet of the diamond of who we are in Christ was somewhat difficult to name. In the title, I’ve used the word Proclaimers, and there is truth in that,…
In the southwest corner of Colorado are the ancient ruins of the cliff dwellers. During one of our Colorado vacations, we drove to Mesa Verde National Park in order walk…
Church buildings take on many different shapes and styles. Some are magnificent pieces of architecture with carved stone walls, towers, and flying buttresses. Others are classic prairie with white siding…
About ten years ago we moved to our home in the country. Our acreage has many features. Along with our home, there is some tillable ground, a little wood…
I’m not one for sitting or standing around while others shop for clothes. But there was this one day when it was actually enjoyable. It was the day our daughter…
A few days ago (back in November of 2015) Betty and I traveled to St. Louis to welcome our newest granddaughter, Evelyn Elizabeth, and visit with Mike, Ali, Mackenzie, and…