The Jesus Way – Where is Your Treasure?
Money. There is a restlessness that happens whenever money is brought up in a church setting. Part of that restlessness is emotional; we don’t like folks telling us what to…
Money. There is a restlessness that happens whenever money is brought up in a church setting. Part of that restlessness is emotional; we don’t like folks telling us what to…
We see brokenness every day. People that are saying and doing stupid, rebellious, and perhaps even evil things. What is our reaction to those things? Do we declare them to…
While we recognize the eternal aspects of Jesus, God the Son, we must also recognize the historical nature of Jesus – the Son of Man. The Gospel of John reports,…
Ever wonder why deliberately abstaining from food for a time is called a fast? Because we hope that we are fast to arrive at the end abstaining so we can…
Every generation of Christ-followers has struggled with this one thing. While the “hot” issue of the day has changed many times, the problem of navigating these rough waters is the…
The babe of Bethlehem grew up. He started a traveling ministry of teaching and healing folks, bringing God’s kingdom to earth. While Jesus’ ministry found popular support, it rankled and…
A tornado is a destructive, rapidly spinning column of air. I’ve seen firsthand the aftermath of destroyed homes, businesses, and lives. There are many such “tornados” in our world, destructive…
What makes you smile? It’s a simple question, but one that reveals something about our heart. Smiles can be triggered by just about anything. The things that make you smile…
I have these rules for life. This happens to be the fifteenth on the list. While all the others easily boil down to some simple phrase this one struggles with…
Prayer isn’t magical. That may seem like a strange assertion, given the very nature of prayer. On the surface, it does seem a bit magical. We are, after all, asking…
On the surface, much of the Old Testament seems distant from us. The cultural practices and religious duties are far different than our everyday experience of walking with Jesus. But…
I marvel at those dare-devils who walk across deep chasms on a thin cable. Perhaps you do too. Their exploits are legendary and leave most of us in awe and…