“Follow me,” he told them, “and I will make you fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19, CSB)
While the above promise was made to one man, Simon Peter, it is true of all who follow Christ. While our mission is to witness about Christ, to make disciples of every nation, the ability comes from Christ. Jesus didn’t tell Peter, “It’s up to you to be a fisher of men.” No, Jesus said, “I will make you…” Not make as in force, but make as in change. Paraphrased – I will change you from a fisher of fish to a fisher of people.
Witnessing and disciple-making is not one-size-fits-all. We often get hung up on the how. The ways are many, from street evangelism to quiet conversations to acts of service. All are valuable, and yet not all are welcomed. It’s not uncommon for one to put down the others. I once heard a street evangelist put down some folks who witnessed by doing worship songs in a public park. Where Jesus leads me will be different than where He leads others: same destination, same purpose, but different shoes. (See John 21:18-22)
No matter how we witness of Christ, it is God that empowers our witness. That is the promise. We follow. God grants the power, the ability, the opportunities, and the words for that moment, whether standing in front of a packed stadium or sitting down to have coffee with a neighbor. Yes, it may be scary, nerve-wracking, and stressful as we open our heart door to others. Will they reject us? Will I mess up the words? Will I drive them away from God? Our delivery doesn’t change God’s Word. “so my word that comes from my mouth will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.” (Isaiah 55:11, CSB)
How do we become better witnesses? The best way is to intently follow Jesus. Programs and scripts may smooth our delivery, but what really matters is following Jesus. As we follow, Jesus teaches us how to fish with what is in our personal tacklebox. Every means is to be celebrated and encouraged.
Some practical steps. Pray for the lost and develop a heart of compassion for them. Know your story, your hope, and why you follow Christ. Encourage others in their expressions of witness. Let love conquer your fear.
Other verses for this promise (Compiled by David Wilkerson)
- Matthew 4:19
- Proverbs 11:30
- Daniel 12:3
- Acts 18:9-10
- Acts 1:8
- Luke 12:12
- John 14:26
- Isaiah 51:16
- Luke 21:13
- Luke 21:15
- Exodus 4:12
- Isaiah 50:4
- Jeremiah 5:14
- Matthew 5:16
- James 5:20
- Romans 2:10
- 1 Timothy 4:16
- Hebrews 6:10
- John 4:36
- 1 Corinthians 15:58
- Galatians 6:9
- Promises: Feeling Frustrated - March 17, 2025
- Promises: Season of Grief - March 12, 2025
- Promises: When Persecuted? - March 10, 2025