Promises: Answered Prayer

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7, CSB)

Spoilers. Most folks hate spoilers like learning the ending before the story is complete. Or those times we record a game to watch later, and someone tells us the match’s outcome, spoiling our plan. The same can be said of today’s promise. If we rush to the end, we’ll miss an essential part of the promise. 

We all like the “ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you” part of the promise. But, there is an “If” which precedes the implied then. “If you remain in me(Jesus) and my (Jesus’) words remain in you.” 

My wife Betty abides in Christ’s words. A few days ago, there was a crisis, so she prayed, and God answered. A group of folks was helping a family with a funeral meal. At the request of the family they were serving the deceased person’s favorite foods. One happened to be Mac and Cheese. Someone precooked the noodles the day before and bagged them. When they went to use them, they had become a mushy brick. Time was running out. Betty prayed something along the lines of “Lord, if you can turn water into wine, you can turn this into macaroni noodles.” They started washing and breaking up the bricks. Noodles appeared. Add cheese sauce, and it looked and tasted like it was supposed to—an answered prayer. 

That doesn’t mean that all our desires are instantly answered miraculously. Sometimes God’s answer is no, sometimes it’s wait, sometimes it’s “I have something better for you.”  God’s answer always brings peace, even if the answer is not how we thought He should answer. 

God does answer prayer. But don’t jump to the end; it is important to “remain in Christ and for His words to remain in you.” 

Other verses for this promise  (Compiled by David Wilkerson)

  • Mark 11:24
  • Psalm 21:2
  • Romans 8:28
  • Psalm 34:17
  • Psalm 37:4
  • Psalm 50:15
  • Psalm 50:16
  • Psalm 55:17
  • Psalm 86:7
  • Matthew 7:7
  • Isaiah 65:24
  • Jeremiah 33:3
  • Isaiah 58:9
  • John 14:14
  • Psalm 91:15
  • 1 John 3:22
  • Matthew 18:19
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14
  • Matthew 21:22
  • Luke 11:10
  • 1 John 5:14
  • 1 John 5:15
  • Romans 8:32
  • Psalm 37:5
  • Hebrews 11:6
Dale Heinold
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