2019 Lambchow Ministry Report

Today’s article is a bit different. Once a year we put aside our regular devotions to report on the ministry. Lambchow Ministries is a non-profit 501c3 corporation purposed on publishing religious material primarily through online means.  Lambchow began operations as a personal blog of Dale Heinold in 2015. We consider Lambchow to be a seed planting ministry that encourages folks to embrace the adventure of following Jesus.

The ministry itself is mostly self-supported by Dale and Betty, although there is support from our home church and a few others.

In 2019 we saw growth of around 60% as more folks read online posts, read our emails, downloaded material, and sent in prayer requests. Using a formula adopted in 2016 we count these as “seeds.” Each article read, email opened, and Bible study lesson accessed is a seed. In 2018 our seed count was 97,460. In 2019 the seed count grew to 158,952.

Many have either commented or emailed to share the impact of this ministry or offer encouraging words. Here are just a few:

“thanks for the lessons am growing spiritually every time i read them”

“Powerful word on forgiveness. I have learnt that as a christian, forgiveness should be part of us as long as we live on earth.”

“I have really enjoyed the Bible study and I hope you will continue sending me series of texts and Bible studies.”

“Thanks you for this excellent reminder.”

In 2020 we’re going to begin by opening up John’s Gospel. We’ve also added a Bible Readers email for those that would like to read through the Bible this year. We also intend to compile more of our past series into downloadable studies.

We will also continue our past activities of the regular three-times-a-week devotional blog, advertising our free Bible Studies on Google, and inviting prayer requests from our readers.  All of our past articles, over five hundred of them, are available on our website along with other free to use resources and studies.

Thank you for taking the time to read Lambchow. Our prayer is always that you would grow closer and closer in your walk with Jesus. We always love to hear from you, both how this ministry has encouraged your faith and the struggles you are facing. Please also pray for us, that our ads are effective, that we lean into the nudge of the Holy Spirit and continue true to God’s plan and purpose for Lambchow.

Here’s a couple of charts about the Lambchow Audience

Top Nations based on returning web users

South Africa

Top Articles in 2019

Web + email
How to Receive God’s Love (optional ad link) 6520
Pray It Out 893
Open My Eyes 767
Doors 658
The Chosen 655
Humanity’s Conflict 635
Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of the Lord 560
The Basics: 2b Complete Humanity 505
Love Rejoices in the Truth 481
I Am Nominal 480
The Basics 4e – Jesus is Messiah 479
Love Cares for Others 472

Seed Chart

Articles read Emails read Lessons Sent Prayer Seeds Growth
2015 Total 8077 6438 6104 20619
2016 Total 9817 19036 5889 175 34917 69.34
2017 Total 8234 17219 15806 183 41442 18.69
2018 Total 14106 33230 49712 412 97460 135.17
2019 Total 23959 51523 82627 843 158952 63.09
Total 64,193 127,446 160,138 1,613 353,390
Dale Heinold
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