Fake News Is Nothing New
Fake news isn’t a new thing. One particular piece of fake news has circled the globe for two thousand years. Let’s begin with this factoid. Jesus tomb was guarded by…
Fake news isn’t a new thing. One particular piece of fake news has circled the globe for two thousand years. Let’s begin with this factoid. Jesus tomb was guarded by…
Submission is one of those dirty words we don’t want to talk or think about. It seems debilitating and threatening to our self-worth. And yet we arrive at our next…
Recently in our community group gathering my friend Rick said something that opened up a new way of thinking about a familiar teaching of Jesus. I love it when God…
Ever wander through an aquarium and wondered what the fish thought of you? More and more of our lives, even our private thoughts and desires, are on display for all…
I am inspired by a wide variety of things – Claude Monet’s Haystack paintings at the Art Institute, a beautiful sunrise or sunset, my grand-kids, the Golden Beach in Coronado,…
We have problems with Leviticus. We either laugh, cry, or simply give up when we read the specifics of God’s law to the Hebrews. Why would God care what they…
A few weeks ago we presented a survey for Lambchow readers. Most of the results were close to our expectations although there were a few surprises and some things to…
Names are important. We all have names given to us by our parents. Whether we chose to continue using them is a different matter. And perhaps we’ve gained a nickname…
We are all familiar with the “if…then” formula. In many ways, our world is made up of “if…then” points. If I eat then, my hunger is satisfied. If I go…
This Lambchow is different. Instead of sharing an article, what I have I’d like to learn more about you. One of the mildly frustrating parts of this ministry is that…
What is more valuable and precious than gold? Gold doesn’t corrode, tarnish, or rust like other metals. Archeologists have recovered items made of gold from ancient empires and peoples. Gold…
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who reside as aliens, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the…