has now been active in its current form for just over six months. I thought you all might enjoy an update. Since its relaunch in November 2013 Lambchow has received 18,149 visits with 47,380 page views.
There are really two major parts to Lambchow. The first is the Blog side, the various articles and stories that have been published. To date 75 articles have been posted. The most read of all time is Coloring Between the Lines with 68 views. Below are the Top Five all time posts with links to the articles.
- Coloring Between the Lines – 68
- The Anchor of Hope – 63
- Let It Go! – 63
- The Practice of Prayer – 62
- Get Praising! – 54
What really drives readership is when you all share an article on Facebook or other social sites. 654 visits were generated through Facebook, 86 through Google+. One way to know if an article has been posted is to subscribe to the flock. Subscribers get an email notification whenever something is published along with a link to the article. Thanks to all those who have shared lambchow or an article with others.
The second major part to Lambchow is offering free downloads of the Forgiveness and Love Bible Studies. These studies are advertised through Google. The ads have been seen over three million times with 15,275 clicking on the ad to view a sample lesson. Of those over 330 have downloaded one or both of the studies. Ads are targeted to English speaking countries around the world. Specifically US, Canada, UK, Australia, Philippines, India, most of sub-Saharan Africa, and some of the Caribbean.
I have a couple of requests. Please share those articles that touch you in some way with others, email them, print them, “share” or “like” them. The second is to pray that those who need the Bible Studies and would be receptive to them would see the ad and click on it. God’s a much better target marketer than Google.
Thanks again for reading, sharing, and praying. Most of all thanks to Jesus for growing and refining this unique outreach called
- Promises: Reputation - February 19, 2025
- Promises: Friends - February 17, 2025
- Promises: In Sickness - February 12, 2025
enjoy the blog, thank you for hearing God’s call to write and being faithful in answering-it is a blessing to me!